Hello SSOD Runners
The Savannah Stone Stairs of Death Race (SSOD race) is a unique challenge. This race is quickly becoming an iconic Savannah favorite. The race has you running up the 33 gnarly, old as dirt steep steps on the western end of River Street in Savannah, Ga. known as the Stone Stairs of Death. The course is just 1/3 of a mile long. So you will climb the stairs many times!
Upon reaching the top of the steps you will continue running a one third mile loop for an hour or two hours. Whoever racks up the most mileage in their registered for time slot wins!
Each mile you run is approximately 100 feet of elevation gain.
This is a 100% charity race. All of the proceeds from this race are donated to a family in need due to medical hardship.

Before you sign up you may want to ask yourself “why would I pay to run up these horrific stairs for an hour or two?” Good question!
Here’s answer 1: You get a great shirt!
Answer 2: It’s an incredible challenge unlike any other you’re likely to come across anywhere else! You will impress yourself with your results after 1 or 2 hours of running up these steps on this short loop! Running these steps are about the best mountain training you’ll get at low-elevation Savannah.
Answer 3: Each year, we pick a person and/or family that has been attacked and hit hard by cancer. The money generated from this race is given to the family to help them deal with the financial hardship experienced from their fight with cancer.
The race registration fees are used to cover the race expenses (permits, shirts, awards). The rest of the registration fees goes to the person the race is held in honor of that year. All donations made go entirely to the person the race is in honor of.
We set up a gofundme account as well for the person the race is for. All of the money donated from the gofundme account goes entirely to the person the race is in honor of that year.

We encourage the registered runners to approach their family and friends in help raising funds for the person the race is held in honor of. One easy way of doing this is to have folks sponsor runners. Ask family and friends to donate to you for every mile you run.
Here is a sponsor sheet download link to use for seeking donations
Here’s a link to download a sponsor sheet: sponsorsheetSSOD-co
Race Course Information
The stairs in question for this race are the narrow, high stairs on the western end of River Street in between MLK Jr Blvd and Montgomery st and Williamson St. The SSOD race will require runners to run a third of a mile loop that starts at the top of the stairs on Williamson St. The runners will then run west to MLK Jr and turn right and then quickly head east on River St where they will then dart back in between the buildings where the stairs are. They will repeat this ⅓ of a mile course for the duration of one hour.
The top male and female of each timed distance will be awarded. Every runner that finishes their registered time slot will get a finisher’s award..
Runners will always run up the stairs and never down. Also, slower runners are expected to use the right hand set of stairs leaving the left hand set of stairs to the faster runners. For safety reasons this will be strictly enforced.
All Rough Runners events are cup free. You must bring your own water bottle.
The Rough Runners SSOD race is not affiliated with the infamous Facebook page, Stone Stairs of Death Savannah, but we are fans of it! Go like their page! It’s great!
Sponsorship Opportunities for SSOD race