Making a Difference with SSOD

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

The Stone Stairs of Death race (SSOD) has wrapped up it’s seventh year this past May 19th. This quirky, short course (0.32 mile length) race has you run up the infamous steep, uneven steps that run from River st and Williamson st and then down MLK blvd to River street again and again for one of two options – 1 hour run or the two hour run. The top male and female mileage runner for the two hour race get the distinction of being crowned King and Queen of the SSOD for the year. The top male and female for the one hour option get crowned the SSOD Princess and Jester for the year. Every year a new King, Queen, Princess and Jester are crowned.

Since it’s inception in 2017, the SSOD race has raised and donated $29,710 to a family caring for a very sickly member and/or struggling with cancer or other debilitating illness.

This year’s SSOD race raised $2867.00 for the Gross family. These funds are helping out the Gross’ tremendously as they continue to look after and care for 22 year old Hayden Southard who is literally fighting for his life due to a very rare and deadly cancer.

Thank you all that participated in this year’s SSOD race! By challenging yourselves you brought relief to a family. And, in the process, you’ve found a new SSOD King and Queen, Princess and Jester to represent you through the rest of the year until the race returns again. 😉

This year’s Queen of the SSOD is super star, Meghan Seiter of Savannah, GA. This is her second time claiming the throne. This is her second time setting and maintaining the female course record. Through her just and fearless rule, I believe Queen Meghan will continue to dominate this quirky race. Queen Meghan’s rule is 16 miles long.

As for our new SSOD King, we have perhaps the most benevolent ruler yet, – all hail, King Bradley Setzer! No nobler ruler has run up the stone stairs of death more than this immensely kind and gentle giant. King Bradley’s rule is 12.16 miles long.

Our SSOD Princess continues to be Tyler Barrett of Bloomingdale, GA. She has held the crown for the past three years with fleet of feet agility, strength and grace! Tyler is a first responder fire fighter with a heart of gold.

Our new SSOD Jester is none other than Mr. Al Lucier, also known as TripleC (Cool, Calm and Collected Al). When Al is done he is truly Done-Done! And, he was done-done after one hour with 5.76 miles!

There were many other notable runners of the SSOD. All of the SSOD runners ran with passion and ran 4 a reason! And, we could not be more proud of our SSOD patrons! This race is not easy but this race is fun. Running up the steep, uneven stone stairs of death is not for the faint of heart! Point in fact, you’re putting your life on the line every time you run up these steps and grab hold of the hand rail! Some folks say that covid grew out of the SSOD handrail…just sayin…LU!

Anyways, we whole-heartedly thank you all that participated in this year’s SSOD! You all did a great thing in pushing personal athletic boundaries and helping out members of our community. I cannot think of anything more noble than that!

Have a great year of running! We’ll see you at the SSOD next year. Hopefully, we’ll also see more of you all at the upcoming Rough Runners races!

Take care, be well, run happy!

much love.