The Savannah Urban Ultra 50k Fatass is returning in 2023 but with a new requirement to be allowed to participate in it. The run is still free but the run is capped at a total of 25 runners. Anyone may register for the run that takes place on Saturday, November 25th but in order to be admitted into the run you must answer a simple question: Why would you like to run a free 50k through Savannah, Georgia?
The first twenty-five folks to email their answer will be pushed through from the waitlist and be registered. We’ll then post the best answers on the Rough Runners website blog.
Now, moving onto business, here are some of the answers for this year’s registered runners:
I would like to run the Savannah Ultra Urban 50K because some guy on the Internet suggested it. I was getting dressed for the Twin Cities Marathon on October 1st when the call came in that our race was cancelled. I’ve been at loose ends trying to decide what to do ever since. I belong to a Slow Runners Community group on Facebook and a handful of us have an exceptionally fun rapport. When Pavel sent me the link to your race, I laughed him off as always trying to recruit new ultra runners. But the idea got lodged in my brain and here I am throwing my hat in the ring. I like that it’s relatively close to Jax, is a road event and should be reasonably decent weather-wise. I also love the concept of taking my sweet time to cover the distance at leisure vs. feeling any pressure to race it. While I don’t want my training build to go to waste, I am more interested in having a good time than a fast one after the way things have shaken out. I would love the opportunity to experience Savannah on foot. Thank you for your consideration!
Sarah Mettler
I originally did not plan to run the Savannah Urban Ultra this year due to other races I’m already signed up to run. However, I just cannot resist. I love our city too much to miss out on this year’s 50K.
My first Savannah Urban Ultra was in 2020. I had an absolute blast touring the city with Josh Patterson. I was hurt in 2021 and coming off the NYC Marathon in 2022, so I didn’t fully participate either year. This year my desire is to take in as much of this amazing city as is possible.
I love running in Savannah because of its beauty, both natural and man-made. The combination of Live Oaks and palm trees makes Savannah’s nickname, “The Forest City,” very appropriate. Frankly, the city would be gorgeous even without any trace of mankind. That said, the city’s architecture, in particular that of the historic district, makes this one of the most beautiful metropolises I’ve ever seen. That beauty reminds me that there is something good in this world. Even when the days seem dark, Savannah’s elegance and charm shine like a beam of sunlight. Added to all this is the great citizens of this municipality. Savannahians are generally kind, helpful, and gracious people. There’s no place I’d rather live. And there’s no better way to really see a city than to run it. I’d love another opportunity this year.
Eric Carpenter
I’m ready to embark on a historically epic adventure! I’m ready to lace up my running shoes and join others as we pound the pavement, uncovering the hidden stories of this charming city while burning enough calories to enjoy all the delicious Southern cuisine guilt-free!
Sprinting past the infamous Pirate’s House, where swashbucklers used to gather for some grog and tales of treasure, hopefully, we won’t have to dig for buried loot along the way.
As we breeze through the historic district, we will witness the ghostly remnants of Savannah’s past, remembering to keep running if we encounter any friendly spirits; they love a good race too! (Well, maybe they’ll float alongside for a few extra miles.)
Now, here comes the challenging part: running alongside the Savannah River. I hope we won’t have to race against steamboats or dodge alligators.
And the grand finale: a triumphant finish in Forsyth Park, surrounded by picturesque oak trees and Spanish moss. I’ll feel like I have conquered not just a race, but also a time machine that transported me back to Savannah’s golden era.
So, I’m ready to lace up my shoes, embrace the laughs, and let’s run through time, history, and a whole lot of Southern charm! Who knows, maybe we’ll even uncover a secret recipe for the perfect post-race peach cobbler.
Paula dayoub-schweizer
“I am a lawyer that lives in Utqiagvik, Alaska, and loves to run but, I also, I’m not too fond of the threat of freezing to death, severe frostbite, and death by a polar bear or wolf so a 50k run in Savannah would be preferred.”
Abbi Novotny
Hey Sav 50k team!
I would love to run with you all again this year, the Savannah Urban 50k in 2019 was my first ultra and have had a great time exploring this world ever since!
To specifically answer the question as to why I should be chosen to run is my Western States lotto fell through, I can’t complete the Barkley and the VT 100 is too far away!
Thanks for the chance – Joel Atkinson
Hey Dan! So thankful to see the Savannah Urban 50k back on ultra signup! This race has become a staple in our fall calendar for 3 years now. We love the town of Savannah, but it is best experienced on FOOT!
The sentimental reason I want to be back out there with you guys this year is because of nostalgia really… this was actually my first ultra that initiated me into the wonderful world of ULTRA! My best friend Joel Atkinson(who was actually not my best friend at the time) invited me to join him last minute for a free race! I didn’t think I could finish at the time but, hey, it was free! Joel was just another guy I knew from our workouts. We began talking one day and he told me that he was running a 50K the next week and asked me to come! I was like LETS GO!!! Man I was so stoked! We hung together for the entire 31 miles and have grown into best friends since. Covering thousands of miles together! It all started back at that ultra in the fall of 2020! Good things did come from 2020! 😉 Thank you for considering my invitation! We appreciate all you and Kerry bring to this sport for our low country!
Patrick O’Tuel
1. Because Jason Edenfield needs company
2. Because you finally picked a weekend that isn’t the ONLY Saturday of the year I have to work
3. Because I’m me
Jennifer Smith
Why do I want to run Savannah Urban 50k? I think there are way too many reason to list but I will attempt regardless.
I love Savannah. It’s a beautiful city and I would love the opportunity to take a running city tour instead of just being another tourist and walk all over.
You have fantastic finisher award: custom made, unique and not a typical “cookie-cutter” medal that would just collect dust in a drawer somewhere.
I love format of adventure run (not a race). Have done Charleston 100 twice and Charleston 50 (inaugural) and absolutely loved this format. Such a fun feeling of adventure, even if throughout concrete jungle of a city. It’s fun running by old buildings, monuments, and people.
As a runner I love taking lots of photos during my runs and races and this would be a great opportunity to capture beautiful city of Savannah on the go. The same way as I did during Charleston 10 and Charleston 100.
It would be pretty awesome to do Savannah 50k, then Charleston 50 mi the weekend after, and then 3 weeks later do Charleston 100 mi. Would be a great way to close out 2023.
Lastly, I actually signed up for this event last year but was unable to do it due to work travel. Of several missed races this is the one I feel like I missed out on the most.
I would love to get selected for this event and would love to take lots of photos to document this adventure along the way.
Pavel Mosneaguta
I want to run Urban 50k because y’all are my favorite people! Why else would I come up to volunteer for Bronze Dragonfly?
Love to you all,
Siri Khalsa
Why do I want to run the Fatass 50k? Because it’s hands down the premier race in Savannah! Homegrown AF! It might not have the twangy cheese of the old Rock n’ Roll days, or the up-turned noses of the Skidaway Marathon, but it does have one thing that racing in Savannah can’t count on without the Rough Runners involvement; a sense of adventure!
The beautiful parks, the inviting cemeteries, the polite tourists with their honking, Florida-plated cars and flying to-go cups–where else can you see the best of what Savannah has to offer while simultaneously enjoying a long, sidewalkless death waddle?
Frankly, I am embarrassed to call myself a Savannah runner having never run it before, but timing has not been on my side the last 2 years I’ve been here. Let’s change that!
Joe Buckler, M.F.A.(he, him, his)
I wanna run the sav urban 50k for lots of reasons but 1, I love all the rough runners runners ! 2, I love running all over this city 3, I almost shit my pants last year so I need a lil redemption! No matter if I get in or not this will always be one of my faves !
Bradley Setzer
if it is possible, could i run the savanna urban ultra? my reason is this race is special to me because you (Dan and Kerry) are special to me. I have run it before and loved it.
Kevin Jones
I would like the chance to complete the race in less time than I did a year ago! Enjoy time with the best runners in Savannah Georgia!
Also to see how far I can push this old body! Nearing 60 inspires me to keep going after new goals!
Not only that it’s free!!!
Tommy Faye Rogers
This is a long shot and hope I’m not too late. But this was my first ever ultra.I love the course and had so much fun! I’d like to run this race again.
Thank you,
Chris Feuger
I ran this race in 2021 and had an absolute blast! Unfortunately, I had to miss 2022 and it got me thinking. I compared your race to a few of the other ultras in my area trying to figure out why I had so much fun at yours. Then it dawned on me, the ultras around here feel too pallid. Who needs to run on neatly marked courses away from traffic? I played enough Frogger in my day to take care of myself. Why close down an entire bridge like the Talmadge when we can just run in the breakdown lane? Knowing how far I have to run to reach an aid station to refill my water is boring. I miss the adventure you offer and desperately want to experience it again with my friends. Also, I’ll drive 800 miles to run it so that has to count for something. Thank you for your consideration and I hope to see you in November.
John Schramm
Laura, Adam, and Jason are GOING to run Urban if you like it or not. If you don’t, the following may happen:
1. No aid station.
2. No fun.
3. Dude, it’s us, we’ve run them all. Try and stop us.
4. Just let is in, can you imagine if you didn’t? It would suck.
5. We’d revolt. Probably, your wife would leave you.
6. We’ll send a more genuine response later, but let’s be honest, it’s the last day of school, I taught your daughter who loves me, and I’m drunk. And teachers deserve consideration.
7. Are you really going to ban Jason? He’s an RD ffs.
8. You wouldn’t bam us, we know where you live and we helped you move. Twice.
9. I need a new Jason tile in my collection. Only after I’ve acquired 5 may I own his soul.
10. Dude, you’re making us do this? Seriously? Savannah would burn down if we didn’t run the urban.
Laura, Adam
I would love to run the Savannah Urban 50K again! I gave it a try a few years ago, but unfortunately I didn’t finish. Savannah is a beautiful city with breathtaking views and I would love to have another opportunity to run through this historic city. So much to see!! If you even blink, you will surely miss something that was meant to be seen. Also, I really really want one of those finisher plaques 🙂 that would be so awesome!! Maybe I won’t get lost this year either….shhhh don’t tell anyone.
Kelly Lee
Good evening
Responding to your post.
I would enjoy running this race in preparation for the Dragonfly as a means to remember my ultimate new goal for next year. #keepmovingandimproving #noeasyday
In addition, knowing more of what to expect, your race company is exceptionally well planned and detailed oriented with all runners in mind.
All races and racers should always have skin in the game as it what always motivates us to do better and be better.